Space SHMUP part 2

Author: Lynn Hogen-Esch

Modified: 2024-09-22

1. What are the controls to your game? How do we play?

  use WASD or arrow keys to move around, press space to shoot projectiles

2. What creative additions did you make? How can we find them?

  I added a Pause menu, Main Menu, Game Over Menu, and a score system that adds to an int when the player kills a ship & displays that int on the hud, then when the player loses the game, the score is compared to the current save high score, then if the current score is higher, it saves the current score as the new high score in playerprefs, then updates the game over screen with the final score & high score. Also made Enemy_4 spawn 2 PowerUps & added another powerup that just upgrades the player's current weapon.

3. Any assets used that you didn't create yourself?

  Nope, just the default ones in the tutorial package

4. Did you receive help from anyone outside this class or from anyone in this class that is not in a group with you?


5. Did you get help from any AI Code Assistants?


6. Did you get help from any online websites, videos, or tutorials?

  Just the Unity Documentation

7. What trouble did you have with this project?

  I had a couple game-breaking errors that were just the result of not seeing the errata for the book until the last error. The first errata I did on my own, the second one (killing an enemy would create a stack overflow when trying to create a powerup) had me stumped for like an hour until I went into piazza to ask/see if someone had asked about it & then I saw the post about the errata, which fixed the error.

8. Is there anything else we should know?

Published 7 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
AuthorHayden HE


Download 30 MB

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